Azure Cielo 6 Dx Real-Time PCR
Key Features
Key features
- Email Notifications - end-of-experiment notifications and data files via email from the Cielo.
- Quickly Set up and Confirm Plate Layout - each well is labelled with three identifiers.
- View each Individual Amplification Trace by Target or Sample.
- Optical Design Eliminates the Need for ROX.
- Total Well Detection Technology Captures 100,000 Data Points per Well.
- Six-Target Multiplex.
Product Description

What sets the Azure Cielo™ apart from other real time PCR instruments?
- Broad Spectrum Detection - 6 high powered channel-specific excitation and emission light emitting diodes allow the Cielo 6 to detect entire spectrum of qPCR dyes
- Background Reduction - The Cielo delivers light to each sample through fiber optics instead of an overhead "white" light source.
- Sensitivity & Speed - scanning 16-wells at a time, detecting each channel in 1.5 seconds.
- Reproducibility - The Cielo to generate highly reproducible Cq values, up to at least 1,000 experiments later.

- Gene Expression
- Genotyping
- Library Quantification
- Multiplexing
- Pathogen Detection
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