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New PT Owren reagent 


New PT Owren reagent

 TECHNOCLOT® PT Owren reagent from Technoclone GmbH is now available in the UK. The PT Owren reagent has been designed as the next generation of Thrombotest for monitoring and control of oral anticoagulant therapy.

TECHNOCLOT® PT Owren contains a standardised rabbit brain thromboplastin with added fibrinogen and Factor V from adsorbed bovine plasma. This ensures that the new reagent is highly sensitive to Factors II, VII and X, and PIVKA proteins, yet insensitive to Factor V and Fibrinogen. The reagent is calibrated against the WHO Standard RBT/05 (Rabbit brain thromboplastin)

PT Owren is supplied as reagents optimised for either manual or automated use. The PT Owren Manual reagent is combined with CaCl2 and can be used to test both capillary blood and plasma. It requires only 25µl of capillary blood, and for ease-of-use the reagent only needs to be reconstituted in distilled water.

The PT Owren Automated reagent uses a separate CaCl2 solution to provide an optimal, 5-day on-board stability and is used with diluted plasma samples. Protocols for a range of coagulation analysers are available.

Both PT Owren Manual and Automated have excellent intra and inter assay reproducibility and produce the same results so community and laboratory based testing will correlate very well. External studies have shown that PT Owren also correlates well with Thrombotest as well as Coaguchek® instruments so Trusts using a mixture of wet and dry chemistry techniques for INR testing will be able to closely compare results.

The TECHNOCLOT® PT Owren reagent is available in a range of pack sizes for convenience and economy. The new reagent provides a very cost effective alternative to dry chemistry testing in large INR clinics and has been designed to be simple for staff to use. It can be combined with the full service solution for the Thrombostat 1 and 2 channel coagulometer’s as well as the new Ceveron 1 and 4 channel coagulometer’s from Technoclone. This includes the new PT Owren Capillary Calibration and Control sets, all consumables, training, software and servicing.

For further, detailed information about TECHNOCLOT® PT Owren, please see this YouTube video presentation from Technoclone at 

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